Wednesday, 12 September 2012

kayak ( sdl )

11 September went for another run down the styks.
When walking up we thought the river was lower but once we got to the put in we could see that it was slightly higher. Also a lot colder as snow had fallen the night before and was now melting in the sun.
We had 10 of us all up. 6 of us up on at the grade four and the others put on were they felt comfortable.
the day went mostly well it was a bit hard with so many people on a small river but it was managed well.
we had a few mishaps, I was first, I tried to eddy out because the guys in front had eddied out earlier than planed and i didn't want to solo down the next bit. Ended up rolling on a shallow bit trying to get an eddy that wasn't really there. I got scraped along for a bit, found a rock to push off and while i did that Phil was there pulling me over. The next was Dan, he got his line right but the water didn't do what he thought it would and he got pushed ot a bad spot. it was hard to see from where i was but he got kind of pined but was able to get out of his boat easily. Rata had Phil on tethered swimmer and he jumped across to help and Greg was able to jump across rocks and swim to assist also. Grace had a swim, cleaned up quick. Astraea rolled right beside me. from when she went over it only took me 3 to 4 seconds to grab here for a barrel roll but she had swam already. she said she got caught on a rock and freaked. she was fine for the next rapid or too but then caught a rock going in to a eddy and it over whelmed her and she walked the last 300 m.
For me it was another good as day kayaking, bit scary rolling in the shallow but I'm getting more comfortable under the water. I might have some footage on here at a latter date.

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