Wednesday, 8 June 2011

kayak (sdl)

Saturday the 4 of June went down the Crooked was just high enough to do the grade three rapid at the put in so few of us gave it a go.was cool.
weather was good.river was cold as usual.
had a bit of trouble finding the farmer for the key to his gate. the farmers brother was there, i asked him and he went out to the truck but froze up because he had parkinsons and hadn't taken his pills yet.i helped him to the door but he couldn't get any further. Chris had found the key and came to get me.Chris got the guys pills then we carried him inside and sat him on his chair,the pills kicked in prity quick.He was quite great full.
i took my camera and got some cool footage..
        This is me doing a whoopy and a role

This is me doing the seal launch.

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