Wednesday, 8 June 2011

kayak (sdl)

Monday 6th of June. got 7 of the orecers together and went down the Miltown gorge.
It was low to normal flow, the features were a bit smaler than when we went with tec ,but still fun to play around in.
Robbie Williams.

started of a nice sunny day but ended up drisiling the last half of the river.
We had a bit of a upset doing the shutle, two of the boys ran back to get the vans but they had never done it befor.We ended up waiting 3 hours befor they came this time we had caled a Dan to pick us up and do the shutle,hoping the boys wernt injured or realy lost.the boys came back as Dan came to pick up up for the shutle.Dan brang towls and warm raro for us to warm up. every think worked out fine in the end but could have been alot worse.
I did get some cool fotos of the crew too...
Grace Slee

Martiln Vandenbroeke

Robbie Wiliams

Chris harvey

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