11 September went for another run down the styks.
When walking up we thought the river was lower but once we got to the put in we could see that it was slightly higher. Also a lot colder as snow had fallen the night before and was now melting in the sun.
We had 10 of us all up. 6 of us up on at the grade four and the others put on were they felt comfortable.
the day went mostly well it was a bit hard with so many people on a small river but it was managed well.
we had a few mishaps, I was first, I tried to eddy out because the guys in front had eddied out earlier than planed and i didn't want to solo down the next bit. Ended up rolling on a shallow bit trying to get an eddy that wasn't really there. I got scraped along for a bit, found a rock to push off and while i did that Phil was there pulling me over. The next was Dan, he got his line right but the water didn't do what he thought it would and he got pushed ot a bad spot. it was hard to see from where i was but he got kind of pined but was able to get out of his boat easily. Rata had Phil on tethered swimmer and he jumped across to help and Greg was able to jump across rocks and swim to assist also. Grace had a swim, cleaned up quick. Astraea rolled right beside me. from when she went over it only took me 3 to 4 seconds to grab here for a barrel roll but she had swam already. she said she got caught on a rock and freaked. she was fine for the next rapid or too but then caught a rock going in to a eddy and it over whelmed her and she walked the last 300 m.
For me it was another good as day kayaking, bit scary rolling in the shallow but I'm getting more comfortable under the water. I might have some footage on here at a latter date.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Sunday, 9 September 2012
kayak ( sdl )
6th and 7th of September did two of by far the most technical ( styks) and the biggest ( high toaroha).
on the 6th did the styks with greg dan and phil went up to the grade 4. phill greg and martijn did on rapid further 4+ - 5. astro and sara got in at the grade 3.
the styks medium and it was cloudy with bit of rain here and there. including the walk in it took us all day. about 4 hours on the river with alot of scouting. dan went over when going off a boof but roled back up in time to make the next one. i rolled playing on a wave on the grade 3. ( haven't had a combat roll for a wile )
it was the best run i had done so far, technical and pushy.
for the toaroha it was greg, sara, phill, harvy and me.Deffently high, weather was the same, bit more rain. We walked up around the coner from the normal put in ( just out of the bush ). sara got in one rapid below us. we ran the first rapid, Greg and me then Phill and Harvy. me and greg didnt realy know the line. and we showed the line to the others when at the bottum... Phil didnt quite go right enough ( see video below ). Sara ran two rapids but got out below the rapid by the track and she walked out. We then ran the next rapid truck and trailer ( big waves and hols here and there ). Harvy got a working almost swam but got washed and rolled up, then went over again and back up again. He was prity shaken and decided to walk out as well.
Greg, Phil and i carried on and had a mad run here is the video made by me...
This is the video of the styks river made by Martijn Van Den Broeke...
on the 6th did the styks with greg dan and phil went up to the grade 4. phill greg and martijn did on rapid further 4+ - 5. astro and sara got in at the grade 3.
the styks medium and it was cloudy with bit of rain here and there. including the walk in it took us all day. about 4 hours on the river with alot of scouting. dan went over when going off a boof but roled back up in time to make the next one. i rolled playing on a wave on the grade 3. ( haven't had a combat roll for a wile )
it was the best run i had done so far, technical and pushy.
for the toaroha it was greg, sara, phill, harvy and me.Deffently high, weather was the same, bit more rain. We walked up around the coner from the normal put in ( just out of the bush ). sara got in one rapid below us. we ran the first rapid, Greg and me then Phill and Harvy. me and greg didnt realy know the line. and we showed the line to the others when at the bottum... Phil didnt quite go right enough ( see video below ). Sara ran two rapids but got out below the rapid by the track and she walked out. We then ran the next rapid truck and trailer ( big waves and hols here and there ). Harvy got a working almost swam but got washed and rolled up, then went over again and back up again. He was prity shaken and decided to walk out as well.
Greg, Phil and i carried on and had a mad run here is the video made by me...
This is the video of the styks river made by Martijn Van Den Broeke...
kayak ( sdl)
on the 23 of the august martijn, ben and I decided it was time to step up and run cesspit gorge on the Arahura river.
We left grey at around 9 and were up scouting the rapid at 11 30.
the river was real low and we thought we might miss out on cave drop and the buffer. but once we were at the top of the rapid it looked like the buffer was good to go. so we doped in and the video will show what went down. i didn't find the run too scary apart from bens mishap. I think this was because it wasn't pushy like it normally is. we plan on going back as soon as the rain drops again here in Greymouth.
video made by Martijn Van Den Broeke.
We left grey at around 9 and were up scouting the rapid at 11 30.
the river was real low and we thought we might miss out on cave drop and the buffer. but once we were at the top of the rapid it looked like the buffer was good to go. so we doped in and the video will show what went down. i didn't find the run too scary apart from bens mishap. I think this was because it wasn't pushy like it normally is. we plan on going back as soon as the rain drops again here in Greymouth.
kayak ( sdl )
toaroha on the 9/9
it was mid flow
weather was cold rain with some hail.
another mad run. really good at this flow. the main drop was the best that i have run it at. the curler was powerful. no problems just good times.
it was mid flow
weather was cold rain with some hail.
another mad run. really good at this flow. the main drop was the best that i have run it at. the curler was powerful. no problems just good times.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
rock climbing ( sdl instruction )
on the 15th to the 19th of August i had the opportunity to help out with my old high school CSC on their year 13 rock camp in Dunedin.
so i took the week of tech and went down to Dunedin. the camp went from Wednesday till Saturday. the class was made up of 15 year 13 students and 7 exchange students. they had done some indoor climbing through school before the camp but no real rock.
the first day was raining so we went to some of the local schools who have indoor climbing walls. as good made is easy to sharpen up their belay skills.
the next three days were spent down at long beach. the head instructor Dave set up all of the climbs on sunny side but got me to lead and set up top rope on some of the climbs and the caves.
my role was just to help out so i didn't do any instruction in front of the whole group but did alot of teaching in smaller groups of 3 or 4. We slowly progress the student to climb grade 14 with good technique. this ment they got an Achieved. 3 students were able to get a Merit witch was grade 18 or 19. One student tried real hard to do a grade 20 to get an excellence but was unable.
though i didn't do much group instructing i do think i improved on working with clients and i was working on being an instructor more than a mate going climbing, as i feel with kids i'm sometimes too easy on them and loose there respect. i think i did good with this particular group.
in the end it was good experience and i even got in some cool as climbs.
so i took the week of tech and went down to Dunedin. the camp went from Wednesday till Saturday. the class was made up of 15 year 13 students and 7 exchange students. they had done some indoor climbing through school before the camp but no real rock.
the first day was raining so we went to some of the local schools who have indoor climbing walls. as good made is easy to sharpen up their belay skills.
the next three days were spent down at long beach. the head instructor Dave set up all of the climbs on sunny side but got me to lead and set up top rope on some of the climbs and the caves.
my role was just to help out so i didn't do any instruction in front of the whole group but did alot of teaching in smaller groups of 3 or 4. We slowly progress the student to climb grade 14 with good technique. this ment they got an Achieved. 3 students were able to get a Merit witch was grade 18 or 19. One student tried real hard to do a grade 20 to get an excellence but was unable.
though i didn't do much group instructing i do think i improved on working with clients and i was working on being an instructor more than a mate going climbing, as i feel with kids i'm sometimes too easy on them and loose there respect. i think i did good with this particular group.
in the end it was good experience and i even got in some cool as climbs.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
raft kayak ( sdl )
rafting and kayaking in Murch for three days.
day one drizzled all day. we did a warm up river for Astraea. middle Mataks. i biked the shuttle. no problems apart from Astraea had a freak-out but we got through it.
day two rafted down O sullies and milked it. everyone had a guide and all improved allot. I guided whale creek and jet boat. was supper stoked with my line on jet boat. In the afternoon had a look at Maruia but didn't run it.
day three did double run on Granite. first run we all had a go apart from Granite rapid. Harvey ran first and did all good. then we worked the raft back up and I had a go guiding. I had a sweet line. Then on the second run we kayaked it. Just Harvey Dan and I went Astraea ran shuttle. We went down truck and trailer. Harvey then me then Dan. Harvey misted his line a little and got worked at the bottom of the buffer and the again in the next hole, came out fine. I got my line perfect soooo stoked with it. Dan got his line but nose dived in to the eddy behind the buffer rock and got spat back out, got a bit of a working then rolled and got in to the eddy. We were all peeking. perfect level for us. great trip. Then the boys were feeling brave so we went to do Maruia ( not me though) got there and Dan did it. Harvey said he was going to but bailed. still what a day.
not over yet. I'm off to go climbing at the local climbing gym in Greymouth.
life is good!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
kayak (sdl)
On the 16 June i was in Wanaka with Jess bailey champion slalom paddler. i went out training with her last time I was down too but this time her dad came out and ran the training. it was just a flat water training with gates but it was still a great importunity to train with New Zealands best and get so helpful pointers on my paddling. Jess has her own bog as well check it out at jessicabaileykayakslalomathlete.blogspot.com
rock climbing (sdl)
Monday the 11th to the 13th of June Rob, Kieran, Arie, Jake and I went up to Paynes Ford for rock climbing. the first day we got 8 climbs in and it was a real good day starting at sea cliffs then after lunch we went to paynes. On the Tuesday we didn't get as many climbs in because we went kayaking down the grade 3 section below the power station on the Takaka river in the morning. Wednesday was cool I showed the guys the sweet overhang I found last time I was there. its a grade 19, 3 bolts and a chain, nice sequence of moves and rather pumpy if you don't do many overhangs. it was great because all the boys were at that level and struggled but made it up. And if that wasn't cool enough since i had been climbing real clean and good I went and had a good go at a 22 i was struggling with last time and got it. fell of once after climing the first bolt but came down and started again and got it clean. Before the 22 we also did a 25m 20 wicth was a real good climb plenty of 20 moves with small rests in between. Another wicked trip to paynes!!! couple fotos to end :)
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
kayak (sdl)
on the 10th I went up to murch with Ari, Rob and Jake. we paddled O sullies run. and the mangles.
first O sullies. it was at high flow wale creek rapid was flat and we were able to paddle the falls. on the first rapid of the run Rob had a swim at the botum and got washed into the boily eddy on the right. i went in behind him to help. after alot of pushing and bumping around in the eddy we mannaged to get him to the bank and my flip line attached to the kayak and him holding the line. i then got out of my kayak and gave him a hand. this odeal was shit for Rob but was good for my rescue skills and i thanked him for that. i even had a roll in the eddy( it was a poor roll but got me up just ) i need to work on getting my paddle right out of the water. i seem to have trubble with this when in the boiles. further down at jet boat rapit we decided to portage it was running a bit above our level today.
first O sullies. it was at high flow wale creek rapid was flat and we were able to paddle the falls. on the first rapid of the run Rob had a swim at the botum and got washed into the boily eddy on the right. i went in behind him to help. after alot of pushing and bumping around in the eddy we mannaged to get him to the bank and my flip line attached to the kayak and him holding the line. i then got out of my kayak and gave him a hand. this odeal was shit for Rob but was good for my rescue skills and i thanked him for that. i even had a roll in the eddy( it was a poor roll but got me up just ) i need to work on getting my paddle right out of the water. i seem to have trubble with this when in the boiles. further down at jet boat rapit we decided to portage it was running a bit above our level today.
The mangles was quite mallow as the flow was less than we expected. but up the top we found a wee creek that had some cool as we drops so we scouted and ran them here is the raw footage.
kayak (sdl)
on the 9th of June I walked up the totarha with Martijn Watson Dan. We went up another two rapids further after you exit the bush line. it was at medium flow i had only done it at low flow so it looked high to me. the whole day went sweet. real good solid grade 3. don't have any photos of this one but it was wicked fun run.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
rafting ( client days)
on the last week of June Grace, Gretchen, Owen and i had our client days down the Arnold.
This was my fist time ever taking clients down a river.
Tuesday (day one) the river was quite high and we went down way faster than we had planed. but the guys we had still enjoyed them selves as they were a older lot and enjoyed the scenery. I got out at jump cliff and ran the shuttle. Just as I got to the take out and turned around the rafters pulled up to the bank. perfect timing.
Wednesday we did better on timing. we had young kids so we were able to just have fun with them. one girl got asthma when we did the cliff jump. Zane ( our tutor) said he had his inhaler with him but he didn't, so we sat her on the bank got here in to some dry fleeces and helped her control her breathing. me and Zane gave her a group hug wile the others played games. Zane told me at the end of the day that she quite liked that and may have been playing it up for the attention. just another thing to watch out for.
Thursday was my TL day. We had 3 different groups. Zane gave me a run down on how i needed to do my meet and great.... i screwed it up. well not too bad but could have been alot better. bad start but once we go to the put in every thing fall in to place and we had a fun day down the river. the river had gone down so we didn't float as fast. got the timing prity dam good today.
last day Friday...
here are some photos from the trip on Thursday....
This was my fist time ever taking clients down a river.
Tuesday (day one) the river was quite high and we went down way faster than we had planed. but the guys we had still enjoyed them selves as they were a older lot and enjoyed the scenery. I got out at jump cliff and ran the shuttle. Just as I got to the take out and turned around the rafters pulled up to the bank. perfect timing.
Wednesday we did better on timing. we had young kids so we were able to just have fun with them. one girl got asthma when we did the cliff jump. Zane ( our tutor) said he had his inhaler with him but he didn't, so we sat her on the bank got here in to some dry fleeces and helped her control her breathing. me and Zane gave her a group hug wile the others played games. Zane told me at the end of the day that she quite liked that and may have been playing it up for the attention. just another thing to watch out for.
Thursday was my TL day. We had 3 different groups. Zane gave me a run down on how i needed to do my meet and great.... i screwed it up. well not too bad but could have been alot better. bad start but once we go to the put in every thing fall in to place and we had a fun day down the river. the river had gone down so we didn't float as fast. got the timing prity dam good today.
last day Friday...
here are some photos from the trip on Thursday....
Monday, 7 May 2012
blog summery
blog summery | up dated 24/9/2012 | |||||||
2011 | 2012 | |||||||
bush (p) | 0 | |||||||
bush(i) | 0 | |||||||
bush(tpp) | 4 | |||||||
rafting(P) | 4 | |||||||
rafting(G) | 3 | |||||||
rafting(tpp) | 12 | |||||||
ww kayaking(P) | 16 | |||||||
wwkayaking(i) river | 2 | |||||||
wwkayaking(i)rolling | 2 | |||||||
wwkayaking(i) flat water | 1 | |||||||
wwkayaking(tpp) | 10 | |||||||
rock(p) | 4 | |||||||
rock(i) | 4 | |||||||
rock(tpp) | 10 | |||||||
sea kayaking (p) | 0 | |||||||
seakayaking(i) | 0 | |||||||
seakayaking(tpp) | 0 |
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
rock ( sdl )
On the 23 Ekies, Kirsten, Rebecca and I drove up to Nelson. The next day we got up early and drove over to Takaka and went climbing at paynes ford. We went in to the hangdog campground and brought a guide book (only 10 bux)
It was a beautiful sunny day and we got some good climbs in. Ekies and I started on a climb that Ekies said was a 18. I went first and was really struggling. I asked Ekies if he was sure it was a 18 and he said he was, so I assumed I just wasn't used to the rock their as this was my first time there. Once i got down we checked the book again and it turned out to be a 21. So i didn't feel so bad. the rest of the day went well. I set up a lot of top rope climbs for the others as i felt the first bolt always seemed real exposed. This is also why i didn't push myself too much.
That night we stayed at hangdog and climbed the next day till lunch with the girls. At lunch the girls went home and Ekies and I kept climbing. There was a wicked over hang ( rawhide ) I wanted to try but the first bolt at the end of the over hang and the ground was uneven and would be hard to spot. but luckily one other climber ( Pablo ) did the climb later in the day and asked if we wanted to give it a go on top rope. I was so stoked, and gave it a go. It was such a cool start, got some sweet heel hooks. And getting over the end to the up right is another sweet move. I was the end of the day so i didn't get much further.
On Thursday I wanted to do another over hang. We looked around for good 40 min and found a 19 that had a first bolt wasn't too exposed. It was soo mean lead it the first time and set up top rope for Ekies. He gave it a good go but didnt have the strength. We will deffintly give it another go next time. While it was still on top rope i had another go choosing a different line, and i found a no hands rest on the over hang and we got a photo too.We were going to do some more climbs that morning but we got yarning to some NMIT tutors then got a little lost for 20min when we got out of the bush we were back at the van so called it a day as we had to drive home that day too. We found it didn't have many easy climbs for bignners but if you getting into the 18s and up its a great place. Cant wait to go back again.
It was a beautiful sunny day and we got some good climbs in. Ekies and I started on a climb that Ekies said was a 18. I went first and was really struggling. I asked Ekies if he was sure it was a 18 and he said he was, so I assumed I just wasn't used to the rock their as this was my first time there. Once i got down we checked the book again and it turned out to be a 21. So i didn't feel so bad. the rest of the day went well. I set up a lot of top rope climbs for the others as i felt the first bolt always seemed real exposed. This is also why i didn't push myself too much.
That night we stayed at hangdog and climbed the next day till lunch with the girls. At lunch the girls went home and Ekies and I kept climbing. There was a wicked over hang ( rawhide ) I wanted to try but the first bolt at the end of the over hang and the ground was uneven and would be hard to spot. but luckily one other climber ( Pablo ) did the climb later in the day and asked if we wanted to give it a go on top rope. I was so stoked, and gave it a go. It was such a cool start, got some sweet heel hooks. And getting over the end to the up right is another sweet move. I was the end of the day so i didn't get much further.
On Thursday I wanted to do another over hang. We looked around for good 40 min and found a 19 that had a first bolt wasn't too exposed. It was soo mean lead it the first time and set up top rope for Ekies. He gave it a good go but didnt have the strength. We will deffintly give it another go next time. While it was still on top rope i had another go choosing a different line, and i found a no hands rest on the over hang and we got a photo too.We were going to do some more climbs that morning but we got yarning to some NMIT tutors then got a little lost for 20min when we got out of the bush we were back at the van so called it a day as we had to drive home that day too. We found it didn't have many easy climbs for bignners but if you getting into the 18s and up its a great place. Cant wait to go back again.
no hands rest |
Kirsten on sweet 18 |
Ekies going for it |
Rebecca getting the feet right |
Ekies ready to go |
checking out the new route |
Monday, 16 April 2012
raft ( tec )
On the 1st of april i went to rangatata rafts. we went down the river everyday, taking turns guiding down the rapids and doing the safety talks.
When we got there the river was at around 50 cumex and buy thursday it had droped to around 45. rangatata rafts go down it right up to 200 cumex.
the weather was good as every day. in the mornings there was a cool mist along the river but burned off by around 10 to a beautiful day
When we got there the river was at around 50 cumex and buy thursday it had droped to around 45. rangatata rafts go down it right up to 200 cumex.
the weather was good as every day. in the mornings there was a cool mist along the river but burned off by around 10 to a beautiful day
kayak (sdl)
25 th paddled the crooked and on the 26th paddled the Arnold
both trips were cool was real low but found some sweet waves to have a jam in. i pulled some new wee tricks.
a had a dam swim on the Arnold! i freaked out on the buffer wave again.
it was real weird paddling white water kayaks after sea kayaking for 8 days. i tell you if you need to improve sweep stroke do some sea kayaking because those things dont turn if you dont put some efort in.the little redline was spinning on a pin. one of the coolest crooked and Arnold trips.
both trips were cool was real low but found some sweet waves to have a jam in. i pulled some new wee tricks.
a had a dam swim on the Arnold! i freaked out on the buffer wave again.
it was real weird paddling white water kayaks after sea kayaking for 8 days. i tell you if you need to improve sweep stroke do some sea kayaking because those things dont turn if you dont put some efort in.the little redline was spinning on a pin. one of the coolest crooked and Arnold trips.
sea kayaking (tec)
10 day sea kayaking trip from the 15 to the 24th of august.
the first day was just traveling to the Able Tasman. the next 3 and a half days we spent paddling up and back down the Able Tasman.We then went over to nelson were we went out and got some freshes for the next 5 days . we then camped out at the Marlborough sounds, and spent the next 4 days paddling up around there. and on the last day we just drove back.
the weather was as good as we could have hoped for.witch made the experience even better.
up the Able Tasman we saw cub seals, soo cute haha. and in the Marlborough sounds we saw a massive boil up seals fish dolphins and birds all going crazy around us. we say the same set of dolphins on the last day too. i bought my hand line and caught around 7 fish,3 blue cod witch 2 were big enough to take.so i had 2 and Brent got 3, we took them on the beach were the others had muscles. Brent filleted his fish and taught me how then i did mine... first time ever doing it,3 near perfect filet's and one av. i was stoked as.
This trip for me had alot of ups and downs but i think that that is what made it such an amazing trip. oh and the 2 instructors Brent(bulet or boyze) and nick(taz) were soo much fun and really made the trip that much better great guys and great instructors.
the first day was just traveling to the Able Tasman. the next 3 and a half days we spent paddling up and back down the Able Tasman.We then went over to nelson were we went out and got some freshes for the next 5 days . we then camped out at the Marlborough sounds, and spent the next 4 days paddling up around there. and on the last day we just drove back.
the weather was as good as we could have hoped for.witch made the experience even better.
up the Able Tasman we saw cub seals, soo cute haha. and in the Marlborough sounds we saw a massive boil up seals fish dolphins and birds all going crazy around us. we say the same set of dolphins on the last day too. i bought my hand line and caught around 7 fish,3 blue cod witch 2 were big enough to take.so i had 2 and Brent got 3, we took them on the beach were the others had muscles. Brent filleted his fish and taught me how then i did mine... first time ever doing it,3 near perfect filet's and one av. i was stoked as.
This trip for me had alot of ups and downs but i think that that is what made it such an amazing trip. oh and the 2 instructors Brent(bulet or boyze) and nick(taz) were soo much fun and really made the trip that much better great guys and great instructors.
kayak (sdl)
22 of June after tec went out to the Arnold with Ben, Grace and Sara. It was real low,below the log at the bridge put in. this made the first rapid rather bony. I thought the features were going to be lame but there was about 5 wicked waves.
i got my favorite kayak back, it just felt right. This was the coolest Arnold trip I've had so fare I was really geting the hang of riding waves.
I cant think of what els to say i was just amped. After i got off a wave, Sara said that I was just buzzing. And i was. When we got out I just wanted to go back to the top and do it again.
i got my favorite kayak back, it just felt right. This was the coolest Arnold trip I've had so fare I was really geting the hang of riding waves.
I cant think of what els to say i was just amped. After i got off a wave, Sara said that I was just buzzing. And i was. When we got out I just wanted to go back to the top and do it again.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
rock (tec)
On the 19 drove to mt summers and walked up to the pinnicals hut. 20th to the 22nd we climbed. first day we just did bolted climbs but on the next two days it was all on trad. the weather was good most of the time. we walked out on Friday the 23rd and drove back.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
kayak (sdl)
on Thursday Harvy and i went down the crooked. we intended on walking in 15 min to do the grade three but it had been raining all morning and the river was most defiantly in flood. we had never did it this high before (i could almost reach up and touch the yellow string across the river at lower put in) we decided we would run the lower part and scouting anywhere we were unsure about. all went well it did have some mallow bits were there used to be rapids but the bolder garden about half way was a bunch of holes and was supper cool booming down them. defiantly recommend it.
rock climbing (sdl)
On Tuesday the 21st i went climbing at the sea cliffs by paynes ford with Kristy Kelly Harvey and Chris.
i hadn't climbed all summer so i got saw fingers quickly but it was good to get back in to it.
i also went climbing on Thursday in the gym at greymouth as apart of the alpine club, i'm keen as to go more this year.
i hadn't climbed all summer so i got saw fingers quickly but it was good to get back in to it.
i also went climbing on Thursday in the gym at greymouth as apart of the alpine club, i'm keen as to go more this year.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
kayak (sdl)
On the 5th of February a big group of ten second years from TPP went to the Toharoa.
We did the grade 3 walk in section.(40 min walk)
The river was low.
It was a cloudy day but was still hot.
We got out and scouted 3 rapids and Greg, Rata and Phil also gave us alot of advice on witch line to take and if anyone should portage the rapid.
this was my first grade 3 river and the most fun I've had on a river. It was great having Greg ,Phil and Rata to give me pointers on how i went and the line to take.This was also the first time i had used my new boat and paddle. I was a bit nervous at the start but then i banged out couple solid rolls on both sides then i was ready to go. cant wait to do my next grade 3.
We did the grade 3 walk in section.(40 min walk)
The river was low.
It was a cloudy day but was still hot.
We got out and scouted 3 rapids and Greg, Rata and Phil also gave us alot of advice on witch line to take and if anyone should portage the rapid.
this was my first grade 3 river and the most fun I've had on a river. It was great having Greg ,Phil and Rata to give me pointers on how i went and the line to take.This was also the first time i had used my new boat and paddle. I was a bit nervous at the start but then i banged out couple solid rolls on both sides then i was ready to go. cant wait to do my next grade 3.
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